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abad pertama bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "abad pertama"
  • abad:    century; centuries; c; centenary; time; age;
  • pertama:    bst; first; first learning; firstly; primary; the
  • abad pertama sm:    1st century bc
  • pertama:    bst; first; first learning; firstly; primary; the first; in the first/second etc place; prime; to start with; world-class; 1st; outset; first of all; prior; firsthand; precede; original; get-go; in
  • abad:    century; centuries; c; centenary; time; age; historic period; one c; period; era; epoch; hundred; years; long time; centennial; 100
  • aliyah pertama:    first aliyah
  • angkatan pertama:    first force
  • armada pertama:    first fleet
  • bagian pertama:    part one
  • bahasa pertama:    first language
  • batu pertama:    foundation-stone
  • bulan pertama:    first month; kalends
  • cetakan pertama:    first edition; proof
  • cinta pertama:    first love
  • dunia pertama:    first world
  • For the first few centuries, Buddhist narrative was oral.
    Untuk beberapa abad pertama, narasi Buddha adalah lisan.
  • I know every stone thrown since before the first century.
    Aku tahu semua detail sejak abad pertama.
  • Book of Acts in its first century setting.
    Injil diturunkan pada permulaan abad pertama masehi.
  • "because we were traveling in the night of first ages
    "...karena kami lakukan perjalanan di malam abad pertama
  • During the 1st century of the Church (c.
    Selama abad pertama Gereja (kr.
  • Around the beginning of the century.
    Sekitar awal abad pertama atau lebih
  • The Kama Sutra here was written between the 1st and 4th centuries
    Kama Sutra ini ditulis antara abad pertama dan ke-empat.
  • In the 19th century, it began to be used as a normal first name.
    Pada abad pertama nama ini merupakan nama yang umum.
  • The first century we have such goodMeme it
    abad pertama kita harus baik seperti Meme it
  • The first century we have such good
    abad pertama kita harus baik seperti Meme it
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5