abdi yahudi bahasa Inggris
- abdi: perpetual; bondman; manservant; thrall; slave;
- yahudi: jew; jewish; jewry; jews; yahudi (film); jews and
- abdi: perpetual; bondman; manservant; thrall; slave; handmaid; servant; handmaiden; attendant
- abdi allah: man of god
- abdi dalem: courtier
- abdi repatriasi: repatriated slaves
- bagoas (abdi): bagoas (courtier)
- hamba abdi: dependency; slave; vassal
- yahudi: jew; jewish; jewry; jews; yahudi (film); jews and judaism sidebar; israelite; kike; judaic; hebrew; judaistic; isaac; yiddish; yid; sheeny; yehudi; hymie; jewess
- abdi repatriasi keturunan amerika afrika: repatriated slaves of african american descent
- suster misi abdi roh kudus: missionary sisters servants of the holy spirit
- jalan abdi İpekçi: abdi İpekçi street
- yahudi dan agama yahudi: jews and judaism
- agama yahudi: judaism
- antariksawan yahudi: jewish astronauts