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academy awards ke-73 bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "academy awards ke-73"
  • The picture was Argentina's official submission for the 73rd Academy Awards and won two Silver Condor Awards whilst being nominated for nine different categories.
    Film tersebut menjadi perwakilan resmi Argentina untuk Academy Awards ke-73 dan memenangkan dua Penghargaan Kondor Perak sementara dinominasikan untuk sembilan kategori berbeda.
  • The nominees for the 73rd Academy Awards were announced on February 13, 2001, by Robert Rehme, president of the Academy, and Academy Award-winning actress Kathy Bates.
    Nominasi-nominasi untuk Academy Awards ke-73 diumumkan pada 13 Februari 2001, oleh Robert Rehme, presiden Academy, dan aktris pemenang Academy Award Kathy Bates.
  • Hřebejk's Divided We Fall was accepted as a nominee for the 73rd Academy Awards, but his submission for the 77th Academy Awards, Up and Down, was not.
    Divided We Fall karya Hřebejk karya masuk nominasi pada Academy Awards ke-73, namun perwakilannya untuk Academy Awards ke-77, Up and Down, tidak masuk nominasi.