administrasi warisan takhta suci bahasa Inggris
- administrasi: administration; officia; officialdom; government;
- warisan: heritage; inheritance; legacy; patrimony;
- takhta: throne
- takhta suci: holy see; the holy see; state of the vatican city
- suci: blameless; candid; chaste; clean; guiltless;
- administrasi khusus takhta suci: special administration of the holy see
- administrasi harta milik takhta suci: administration of the property of the holy see
- administrasi warisan budaya nasional: national cultural heritage administration
- country data takhta suci: country data holy see
- hubungan malaysia–takhta suci: holy see–malaysia relations
- jata takhta suci: coats of arms of the holy see and vatican city
- perjanjian takhta suci: treaties of the holy see
- perwakilan diplomatik takhta suci: diplomatic missions of the holy see
- sekretariat negara takhta suci: secretariat of state (holy see)
- daftar perwakilan diplomatik takhta suci: list of diplomatic missions of the holy see