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aegea utara bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "aegea utara"
  • Rear-Admiral John Elphinstone proposed a direct assault on Constantinople, but was instead convinced by Orlov to blockade the Straits with his squadron, while the rest of the fleet went on the offensive in the northern Aegean.
    Laksamana Muda John Elphinstone mengusulkan penyerangan langsung di Konstantinopel, tapi gantinya Orlov memblokade selat tersebut dengan skuadronnya, sedang sisa armadanya pergi menyerang di Aegea utara.
  • Before that time, at the peak of the last ice age (about 18,000 years ago) sea levels everywhere were 130 metres lower, and there were large well-watered coastal plains instead of much of the northern Aegean.
    Sebelum waktu itu, pada puncak zaman es terakhir (16.000 SM) permukaan air laut dimana-mana 130 meter lebih rendah, dan ada besar dataran pantai baik minum bukan banyak Aegea utara.