agama weda bahasa Inggris
- agama: defactor; interdenominational; religion;
- bahasa weda: vedic sanskrit
- periode weda: vedic period
- sungai saraswati weda: sarasvati river
- weda, halmahera tengah: weda
- agama: defactor; interdenominational; religion; roby732|test4; church; ethnic minority; religious; heliogabalus; bigot; mind; faith; belief; thought; supremacism; agama; spiritual; creed; view; christendom
- agama-agama dunia: world religions
- teologi agama-agama: theology of religions
- tokoh agama menurut agama: religious leaders by religion
- agama (genus): agama (lizard)
- agama (reptil): agama (lizard)
- agama abrahamik: abrahamic religions
- agama afrika: africa religion
- agama aztek: aztec religion
- agama babilonia: babylonian religion
- Maintainers of cosmic order and the upholders of moral good. During its earliest periods, practice
pemelihara tata semesta dan penjunjung akhlak baik. Selama masa-masa awal, laku ibadah agama Weda - The documented history of Indian religions begins with the historical Vedic religion, the religious practices of the early Indo-Iranians, which were collected and later redacted into the Vedas.
Sejarah yang tercatat mengenai agama-agama India diawali dengan agama Weda historis, praktik keagamaan dari bangsa India-Iran awal, yang dikumpulkan dan kemudian disusun ke dalam Weda.