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agape bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "agape"
  • Vesper services are usually held on Saturday evenings.
    Ibadat Vesper Agape biasanya diselenggarakan pada Hari Paskah.
  • What you would call agape and satori.
    Yang kalian sebut Agape dan Satori.
  • I think you should leave your legs just a little agape.
    Saya pikir Anda harus meninggalkan kaki Anda hanya sedikit agape.
  • Agape Church is Moving May 11, 2016
    Gereja Agape Akan Pindah May 11, 2016
  • Old Royal Oak Hotel en Knaresborough - reserve ahora;
    Agape Hotel @ Selayang Hotel en Cuevas de Batu - reserve ahora;
  • Agape love is our divine nature and our new conscience
    Kasih agape adalah sifat ilahi kita dan hati nurani kita yang baru
  • I mean, see, your patient indicates his planet, k-pax, orbiting an eclipsing binary star system-
    Maksudku, dengar. Pasienmu menunjukkan planet-nya, K-PAX. Gerhana orbitingan sistem bintang biner Agape dan Satori.
  • He released a solo album entitled Agape (2001), which is composed of 15 tracks featuring different artists under SM Entertainment.
    Dia merilis album solo berjudul "Agape" (2001), yang terdiri dari 15 lagu yang menampilkan artis yang berbeda di bawah SM Entertainment.
  • Prot, you've indicated in your notes that your planet k-pax... Orbits around the twin stars of agape and satori, near the constellation lyra.
    Prot, kau telah menyatakan dalam catatanmu bahwa planet mu K-PAX Ber-orbit di sekitar bintang kembar Agape dan Satori, dekat rasi Lyra.
  • 304, according to tradition Victoria of Albitina c.304, according to tradition Agape, Chionia, and Irene 304, according to tradition Fidelis of Como c.304, according to tradition Acisclus of Córdoba 304, according to tradition Leocadia of Toledo c.
    304, menurut tradisi Agape, Kionia, dan Irene 304, menurut tradisi Fidelis dari Como kr.
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