agensi pekerjaan dan pemulihan perserikatan bangsa-bangsa untuk pengungsi palestina di timur dekat bahasa Inggris
- agensi: agency
- agensi pekerjaan: employment agency
- pekerjaan: assignment; career; employment; job; labor;
- dan: and; or; n; following; both; then; along with;
- pemulihan: dignification; restoration; legal remedy;
- perserikatan: confederation; union; unions; unification;
- perserikatan bangsa-bangsa: united nation; united nation organization; united
- untuk: behoof; for; for it to be; in order to be; left
- pengungsi: displaced person; evacuatee; evacuator; evacuee;
- pengungsi palestina: palestinian refugees
- palestina: palestine (region); palestine; nablus;
- di: about; at; at the; of which; on; there; where
- timur: east; orient; e; tamburlaine; timur lenk;
- timur dekat: near east; middle east; mideast
- dekat: a-near; approch; close at hand; hard by; just by;