agricultural history (jurnal) bahasa Inggris
- history (jurnal): history: the journal of the historical association
- business history (jurnal): business history (journal)
- diplomatic history (jurnal): diplomatic history (journal)
- labor history (jurnal): labor history (journal)
- jurnal: journal; logbook; diary; daybook
- agricultural station, azerbaijan barat: agricultural station, west azerbaijan
- history of anatolia: history of turkey timeline
- consultative group on international agricultural research: cgiar
- a history of the english speaking peoples: a history of the english-speaking peoples
- a history of violence (film): a history of violence
- a history of violence (novel): a history of violence (comics)
- arkib mactutor history of mathematics: mactutor history of mathematics archive
- cambridge history of iran: the cambridge history of iran
- football manager history|entry: football manager list entry
- history (grup musik): history (band)