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air tonik bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "air tonik"
  • air:    angin; drinking water; udara; water; watercourse;
  • tonik:    tonic; soda water; bracing; soda; quinine water;
  • tonik:    tonic; soda water; bracing; soda; quinine water; refreshing; brisk; keynote; fresh; tonic water; restorative; pop; soda pop; refreshful
  • gin dan tonik:    gin and tonic; g and t; g&t
  • air:    angin; drinking water; udara; water; watercourse; wet; water system; wæter; fresh water; liquid; burette; buret; river; succus; wave; water supply; stream; juice; water body; h2o; fish house punch;
  • (air) muka:    countenance
  • air (anime):    air (video game)
  • air (molekul):    properties of water
  • air anggur:    grape juice; wine
  • air asam:    acidulated water
  • air asin:    brine; briny water; saline water; seawater; briny; saltwater; salt water; main
  • air bah:    cataract; sump; deluge; flood; the flood
  • air bambu:    bamboo tube
  • air batu:    ice
  • air berat:    heavy water; deuterium oxide
  • Tonic water with a slice of lemon, no ice.
    Air tonik dengan potongan lemon, tanpa es.
  • Gimme a box of .44 skins and a bottle of that tonic water.
    Gimme a box of 0,44 kulit dan sebotol air tonik.
  • Tonic water is often used as a drink mixer for cocktails, especially gin and tonic.
    Air tonik terutama dipakai sebagai pencampur koktail, terutama gin dan tonik.
  • For their benefit, order a tonic water and lime and act a little drunk, and at all times, you don't know each other.
    Untuk kepentingan mereka, agar air tonik dan kapur dan bertindak sedikit mabuk, dan di setiap waktu, Anda tidak mengenal satu sama lain.
  • Some serve it with tonic water, making a drink called a beton (becherovka and tonic), which means "concrete" in Czech and many other languages.
    Beberapa menyajikannya dengan air tonik, menghasilkan minuman koktail yang disebut beton (becherovka dan tonik) yang berarti "konkret" di Ceko, dan banyak bahasa lainnya.