Masuk Daftar

akar kata bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "akar kata"
  • akar:    root; roots; point; origin; basis; source; base;
  • kata:    palindrome; word; words and phrases; words; kata
  • akar:    root; roots; point; origin; basis; source; base; beginning; stem; solution; rootage; reason; thallus; radix; stool; vein; purpose; tooth root
  • kata:    palindrome; word; words and phrases; words; kata (bela diri); holy writ; tell; speak; christian bible; scripture; conjunction; append; says; supply; language; promise; antonym; mot; talk; order; voc
  • akar-akar pohon:    tree roots
  • kata-kata:    slang; words; vocabulary; speech
  • akar awal:    radicle
  • akar banir:    buttress root
  • akar berganda:    multiple roots
  • akar binasa:    plumbago indica
  • akar dua:    square root
  • akar fungsi:    zero of a function
  • akar gigi:    root of tooth
  • akar kuadrat:    square root
  • akar lanar:    ipomoea mauritiana
  • "Idiot" comes from the root "idio," oneself.
    "Idiot" berasal dari akar kata "Idio", diri sendiri.
  • The ocean says 'come in.'
    Akar kata Viś berarti 'masuk ke dalam.'
  • The root B-R-K meaning "blessing" is also present in other Semitic languages.
    Akar kata B-R-K artinya "berkat" juga dipakai dalam bahasa Semitik lain.
  • Not every distinct word is assigned a number, but only the root words.
    Tidak setiap kata yang berbeda diberi nomor, tetapi hanya akar kata.
  • The Sanskrit word mūṣaka (mouse) is derived from the root mūṣ (stealing, robbing).
    Kata Sanskerta mūṣaka (tikus) diambil dari akar kata mūṣ (mencuri, merampok).
  • The name Arros is based on the root Arr- 'stone' and the suffix -os.
    Nama Arros didasarkan pada akar kata Arr- ('batu') dan akhiran -os.
  • Their name may come from a Hebrew root meaning "necklace" or "neck-chain".
    Nama mereka mungkin berasal dari akar kata Ibrani yang berarti "kalung" atau "rantai-leher".
  • The word derives from the root that means "to behave" (also "to go" or "to walk").
    Kata ini berasal dari akar kata Semitik yang bermakna "pergi" atau "berjalan".
  • The same word-root is believed to have been used in Czech and Russian naming conventions.
    Akar kata yang sama dipercaya digunakan di dalam konvensi penamaan bahasa Ceko dan Rusia.
  • Atropates name is believed to be derived from the Old Persian roots meaning "protected by fire."
    Nama Atropates dipercayai berasal dari akar kata Persia Kuno yang berarti "dilindungi oleh api."
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