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akar pangkat tiga bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "akar pangkat tiga"
  • akar:    root; roots; point; origin; basis; source; base;
  • pangkat:    captaincy; grade; official rank; order; standing;
  • pangkat tiga:    cube number; cube (algebra); cube
  • tiga:    three; trias; three-wheeled; third; triad;
  • akar tiga:    cube root
  • pangkat bintang tiga:    three-star rank
  • pangkat tiga bintang:    three-star rank
  • pangkat tiga dari:    cube of; the cube of
  • persamaan pangkat tiga:    cubic equation
  • akar:    root; roots; point; origin; basis; source; base; beginning; stem; solution; rootage; reason; thallus; radix; stool; vein; purpose; tooth root
  • pangkat:    captaincy; grade; official rank; order; standing; index; power; rank; square; point; status; title of respect; platform; rate; form of address; social station; level; degree; position; social rank;
  • tiga:    three; trias; three-wheeled; third; triad; ternion; three-wheel; iii; threesome; trio; troika; trinity; trine; triplet; triple; trey; deuce-ace; 3; tercet; terzetto; three times; ternary; tierce; th
  • akar-akar pohon:    tree roots
  • pembersihan pangkat-pangkat kelas:    cleansing the class ranks
  • akar awal:    radicle
  • What is the cube root of 64?
    Apa akar pangkat tiga dari 64?
  • The inverse operation of finding a number whose cube is n is called extracting the cube root of n.
    Fungsi invers operasi ini bertujuan menemukan bilangan yang hasil pangkat tiganya adalah n dengan cara mengekstraksi akar pangkat tiga bilangan n itu.