Masuk Daftar

akses ke maklumat bukan awam bahasa Inggris

  • akses:    access; admittance; entree; approach; admission;
  • ke:    go to; on; on the floor; onto; to; into; unto;
  • maklumat:    information; intelligence; intimation; edict;
  • bukan:    ain't; aren't; be neither; isn't; it is not the;
  • awam:    civil; nontechnical; public; lay; generic;
  • akses:    access; admittance; entree; approach; admission; accession; entrance
  • maklumat:    information; intelligence; intimation; edict; communiqué; decree; poop; proclamation; tidings; info; intelligence activity; low-down; announcement; entropy; declaration; data; selective information;
  • awam:    civil; nontechnical; public; lay; generic; ecumenical; widespread; nonexpert; concerted; mutual; usual; broad; world-wide; civilian; cosmopolitan; worldwide; civic; universal; joint; communal; gener
  • bukan:    ain't; aren't; be neither; isn't; it is not the; neither; non; not; over the left; wasn't; weren't; no; non-; ne; na; nope; like a hole in the head; like a hole in one’s head
  • bukan bukan:    nonsensical
  • bukan-bukan:    dubious; lightheaded; fury; tommyrot; meaninglessness; silly; folderal; tarradiddle; wild; fatuousness; fantastic; absurd; nonsensicality; humbug; light-headed; baloney; hokum; furiousness; airheade
  • akses data:    data access
  • akses internet:    internet access
  • akses terbuka:    open access
  • ikon akses:    access icon