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alam bawah sadar bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "alam bawah sadar"
  • alam:    nature; world; experience; natural; cosmos;
  • bawah:    down; nether; sunken; under; under-; low; bottom;
  • bawah sadar:    sub consciousness; subconscious; subconsious
  • sadar:    awake to; aware; be aware; cognizant; conscious;
  • komunikasi bawah sadar:    unconscious communication
  • menurut bawah sadar:    subconsciously
  • motivasi bawah sadar:    subconscious motivation
  • pikiran bawah sadar:    subconscious mind; subconsciousness
  • sadar:    awake to; aware; be aware; cognizant; conscious; get it into one's head; mindful; wise; attentive; ware; regardful; smart; heedful; cognisant; realize; well-educated; witting; knowledgeable; educate
  • sadar -:    get it into head
  • belum sadar:    unfocussed
  • dengan sadar:    consciously; have the presence of mind to; knowingly; soberly; volitionally
  • menjadi sadar:    became conscious; become conscious; becoming conscious; wise up; wised up; wising up; inform; report
  • mimpi sadar:    lucid dream
  • sadar akan:    aware of; be conscious of; gerting wise to; got wise to; sensible of
  • You can literally talk to my subconscious.
    Kau benar-benar dapat berbicara ke alam bawah sadar saya.
  • Models eventually fade into the background.
    Model pada akhirnya akan lenyap jadi alam bawah sadar.
  • He's an expert on dreams and the subconscious.
    Dia adalah seorang ahli mimpi dan alam bawah sadar.
  • That's some subconscious you've got on you, Cobb!
    Itu beberapa alam bawah sadar yang kau punya, Cobb!
  • You must touch their subconscious, arouse their desire
    Kau harus menyentuh alam bawah sadar mereka, membangkitkan keinginan mereka
  • The subconscious is motivated by emotion, right?
    Alam bawah sadar dimotivasi oleh emosi, benar?
  • With enough prodding, the subconscious always reveals the truth.
    Dengan sedikit dorongan, alam bawah sadar selalu mengungkapkan kebenaran.
  • You have a very active subconscious.
    Kau punya alam bawah sadar yang sangat aktif.
  • Jung may have called it "the subconscious."
    Jung mungkin menamakannya alam bawah sadar.
  • I love pun and the relation to the unconscious.
    Saya suka permainan kata dan hubungannya dengan alam bawah sadar.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5