alam sekitar di timur tengah bahasa Inggris
- alam: nature; world; experience; natural; cosmos;
- alam sekitar: surrounding; natural environment
- sekitar: around; some; vicinity; circa; neighbourhood;
- di: about; at; at the; of which; on; there; where
- timur: east; orient; e; tamburlaine; timur lenk;
- timur tengah: mid-east; middle east; the middle east; near
- tengah: middle; mister linger; mean; mediate; median;
- alam sekitar di asia timur laut: environment of northeast asia
- alam sekitar di afghanistan: environment of afghanistan
- alam sekitar di afrika: environment of africa
- alam sekitar di argentina: environment of argentina
- alam sekitar di armenia: environment of armenia
- alam sekitar di artik: environment of the arctic
- alam sekitar di australia: environment of australia
- alam sekitar di austria: environment of austria