Masuk Daftar

alas kaki bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "alas kaki"
  • alas:    aduh; aduhai; alack; base; bed; bottom; coaster;
  • kaki:    feet; foot; leg; shank; toe; limb; paw; base;
  • geta (alas kaki):    geta (footwear)
  • persengketaan impor alas kaki:    argentina — safeguard measures on imports of footwear
  • alas:    aduh; aduhai; alack; base; bed; bottom; coaster; pedestal; scratch pad; shod; understructure; substructure; stand; establish; floor; mat; theme; runner; fundament; lay; covering; basal; prop; alkali
  • kaki:    feet; foot; leg; shank; toe; limb; paw; base; enl; erythema nodosum; rayon stocking; metrical foot; junky; counterfoil; heel; invertebrate foot; nylon stocking; human foot; addict; erythema nodosum
  • alas bakteri:    bacteria bed; biological filter; contact bed; contnous filter; percolating filter
  • alas balast:    ballast bend
  • alas balon:    balloon-bottom
  • alas bebola:    bearing; bearings
  • alas cangkir:    saucer
  • alas jalanan:    roadbed
  • alas kaca:    under plate
  • alas kepala:    support; headrest; stool; pillow
  • alas kolom:    base of a column
  • Its chief exports are textiles, footwear and rice.
    Ekspor utamanya adalah tekstil, alas kaki dan beras.
  • I just ran here, barefoot. Really far.
    Baru saja berlari kesini, tanpa alas kaki, jauh sekali.
  • She almost always performs without shoes on.
    Ia kadang tampil tanpa mengenakan alas kaki di panggung.
  • Provisionally speaking, we're extremely limited as to footwear.
    Sementara berbicara, 'kembali kita sangat terbatas untuk alas kaki.
  • I was in a forest, running barefoot.
    Aku berada di hutan, berjalan tanpa alas kaki.
  • (Florence) The prints I followed were definitely barefoot.
    (Florence) jejak yg aku ikuti benar-benar tanpa alas kaki.
  • They don't steal footwear from a mosque.
    Mereka tidak mencuri alas kaki dari masjid.
  • Try walking barefoot with bleeding feet.
    Cobalah berjalan tanpa alas kaki dengan kaki berdarah.
  • Would you like to walk without shoes?
    Apa kau ingin berjalan tanpa alas kaki?
  • Let us... Barefoot across every street
    Mari kita menyusuri tiap jalan tanpa alas kaki.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5