alberikus dari cîteaux bahasa Inggris
- alberic of cîteaux
- dari: be of; from; from out of; from the; of; than;
- biara cîteaux: cîteaux abbey
- alberikus dari trois-fontaines: alberic of trois-fontaines
- cædwalla dari wessex: cædwalla of wessex
- arena nîmes: arena of nîmes
- aristide benoît zogbo: aristide zogbo
- arondisemen nîmes: arrondissement of nîmes
- benoît mandelbrot: benoit mandelbrot
- fuzûlî: fuzuli (writer)
- keuskupan nîmes: roman catholic diocese of nîmes
- pengepungan kobanî: siege of kobanî
- pîhtokahanapiwiyin: poundmaker
- raionul sîngerei: sîngerei district
- sehaîlia: sehailia
- silêmanî: sulaymaniyah
- Alberic of Cîteaux, O.Cist. (died January 26, 1109), sometimes known as Aubrey of Cîteaux, was a French monk and abbot, one of the founders of the Cistercian Order.
Alberikus dari Cîteaux, O.Cist. (kelahiran 26 Januari 1109), yang terkadang dikenal sebagai Aubry dari Cîteaux, adalah seorang rahib dan abbas Prancis, salah satu pendiri Ordo Sistersien.