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aleksander agung bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "aleksander agung"
  • Alexander the Great's horse, Bucephalus, was originally from Pharsalos.
    Kuda Aleksander Agung, Voukefalos, berasal dari Farsala.
  • Pyrrhus was a second cousin of Alexander the Great.
    Pyrrhos adalah sepupu kedua Aleksander Agung.
  • He lived in the time of Alexander the Great.
    Ia hidup pada zaman Aleksander Agung.
  • They first met when Aristotle tutored Alexander the Great.
    Mereka pertama kali bertemu saat Aristoteles mengajar Aleksander Agung.
  • According to European legend, Margilan was founded by Alexander the Great.
    Menurut legenda Eropa, Margilan didirikan oleh Aleksander Agung.
  • Alexander the Great, son and successor of Philip, continued the war.
    Aleksander Agung, putra dan pewaris Philippos, melanjutkan perang.
  • His son Amyntas served as cavalry officer of Alexander the Great.
    Putranya Amyntas bertugas sebagai perwira kavaleri Aleksander Agung.
  • It was captured by Alexander the Great in 330 BCE.
    Kota tersebut ditaklukan oleh Aleksander Agung pada 330 SM.
  • The location of the tomb of Alexander the Great is an enduring mystery.
    Letak makam Aleksander Agung masih menjadi misteri.
  • In 332 BCE the Persians were defeated by Alexander the Great.
    Pada tahun 332 SM, Persia dikalahkan oleh Aleksander Agung.
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