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aleksander bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "aleksander"
  • Alexander IV was born in August, 323 BC.
    Aleksander IV dilahirkan pada bulan Agustus 323 SM.
  • Alexander the Great's horse, Bucephalus, was originally from Pharsalos.
    Kuda Aleksander Agung, Voukefalos, berasal dari Farsala.
  • The oracle declared him the son of Amun.
    Sang orakel menyatakan Aleksander sebagai putra dewa Amun.
  • Alexander's tutor, Aristotle, refers to it as "the Persian bird."
    Guru Aleksander, Aristoteles, menyebutnya "burung Persia."
  • Apart from wives, Alexander had many more female companions.
    Selain istri, Aleksander juga memiliki banyak selir.
  • And Alexander said, "I am conquering the world."
    dan Aleksander bekata. "Saya sedang menaklukkan dunia."
  • And so, the denominator of Alexander's life was one.
    karenanya, pembagi kehidupan Aleksander hanya satu.
  • Alexander is reported to have treated them with great respect.
    Aleksander dilaporkan memperlakukan mereka dengan sangat hormat.
  • This gave Alexander a chance to launch a counter-attack.
    Ini memberi Aleksander kesempatan untuk meluncurkan serangan balasan.
  • Pyrrhus was a second cousin of Alexander the Great.
    Pyrrhos adalah sepupu kedua Aleksander Agung.
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