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aleppo bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "aleppo"
  • The Aleppo codex is intact for the bulk of Nevi'im.
    Kodeks Aleppo memuat utuh keseluruhan Nevi'im.
  • We have brought enough food to reach Aleppo.
    Kami telah membawa makanan yang cukup untuk mencapai Aleppo.
  • (See the Aleppo Codex article for more information.)
    (Lihat Aleppo Codex untuk informasi lebih lanjut.) ^ reading
  • Over here. Hillary actually knows where Aleppo is.
    Hillary tahu di mana letak Aleppo.
  • After his deposition al-Mansur was exiled to Aleppo in Syria.
    Setelah deposisi al-Mansur diasingkan ke Aleppo di Suriah.
  • Can I ask you where Aleppo is?
    Bolehkah aku bertanya di mana Aleppo?
  • Aleppo formally entered Ayyubid hands on 12 June.
    Aleppo secara resmi jatuh ke tangan Ayyubiyah pada tanggal 12 Juni.
  • Al-Hafiz was born in the city of Aleppo.
    Al-Hafiz lahir di kota Aleppo.
  • He was president of Aleppo's engineering syndicate from 1989 to 1993.
    Ia juga pimpinan perkumpulan insinyur Aleppo antara tahun 1989-1993.
  • Joscelin was blinded and died in his prison in Aleppo in 1159.
    Joscelin meninggal di penjaranya di Aleppo tahun 1159.
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