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alergi kacang tanah bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "alergi kacang tanah"
  • alergi:    allergic; allergy; sensitised; hypersensitised;
  • kacang:    bean; monkey-nut; edible nuts and seeds; picnic;
  • kacang tanah:    earthnut; ground nut; groundnut; peanut; arachis
  • tanah:    earth; estate; ground; land; soil; dirt; acres;
  • alergi kacang pohon:    tree nut allergy
  • kacang tanah:    earthnut; ground nut; groundnut; peanut; arachis hypogaea; potato bean; apios americana; goober; bean; indian potato; goober pea; apios tuberosa; groundnut vine; peanut vine; jack nut; pinda; wild b
  • minyak kacang tanah:    peanut oil
  • alergi:    allergic; allergy; sensitised; hypersensitised; hypersensitized; urtication; hives; urticaria; allergic reaction; supersensitive; hypersensitive; supersensitized; sensitized; nettle rash; supersensi
  • kebon kacang, tanah abang, jakarta pusat:    kebon kacang, tanah abang
  • kacang:    bean; monkey-nut; edible nuts and seeds; picnic; pea; cinch; edible bean; pulse; arrack; nut; soy; nutty; legume; child’s play; groundnut; piece of cake; peanut; walkover; pushover; breeze; snap; du
  • alergi air:    aquagenic urticaria
  • alergi ikan:    fish allergy
  • alergi kulit:    skin allergy
  • alergi makanan:    food allergy
  • alergi susu:    milk allergy
  • Rice allergy is a type of food allergy.
    Alergi kacang tanah adalah salah satu jenis alergi makanan.
  • In the United States, peanut allergy is present in 0.6% of the population.
    Di Amerika Serikat, alergi kacang tanah dialami oleh 0,6% populasi.
  • Although peanut allergies are notorious for their severity, peanut allergies are not the most common food allergy in adults or children.
    Meskipun alergi terhadap kacang tanah terkenal karena tingkat beratnya, tetapi alergi kacang tanah bukanlah penyebab utama alergi pada dewasa dan anak-anak.
  • The allergy is recognized "as one of the most severe food allergies due to its prevalence, persistency, and potential severity of allergic reaction."
    Alergi kacang tanah diakui sebagai "salah satu alergi makanan paling parah akibat prevalensinya, persistensinya, dan tingkat keparahan reaksi alergi yang mungkin muncul."