algemeene middelbare school bahasa Inggris
- sekolah algemene middelbare: algemene middelbare school
- brown school: duke university
- ghost at school: ghost stories (japanese tv series)
- kartini school: kartini schools
- moorim school: moorim school: saga of the brave
- school days: school days (visual novel)
- the dragon school: dragon school
- american high school: american high school (film)
- bencana bath school: bath school disaster
- boarding school (film 2018): boarding school (2018 film)
- brest business school: esc bretagne brest
- daftar peserta idol school: list of idol school contestants
- fight back to school 3: fight back to school iii
- filem spy school: spy school
- flashback (lagu after school): flashback (single album)
- Accessed After graduating from High school (AMS) in Semarang, she went to Technical High School (Technische Hogeschool) in Bandung.
Setelah lulus dari Sekolah Menengah Atas di Algemeene Middelbare School (AMS) Semarang, ia melanjutkan pendidikannya ke Sekolah Tinggi Teknik (Technische Hogeschool te Bandoeng) di Bandung.