alih-hantaran bahasa Inggris
- hantaran: payload; dowry; load; cargo; pass; debar; exclude; freight; bar; loading; toss; consignment; passing game; flip; passing play; passing; lading; shipment
- alih: budge; stir; agitate; shift
- alih-alih: instead of
- arus hantaran: conduction current
- elektron hantaran: conduction electron
- hantaran atas: aerial contact line
- hantaran bahang: conduction of heat
- hantaran cacat: defect conduction
- hantaran ekses: excess conduction
- hantaran elektrik: electrical conduction; electric conduction
- hantaran elektron: electron conduction
- hantaran ionik: ionic conduction
- hantaran jenis: specific conduction
- hantaran kental: viscous conductance
- hantaran meloncat: hopping conduction