aliran arus bahasa Inggris
- Recycled jet stream - News and news
Aliran arus yang didaur ulang - Berita dan berita - 3. Regulating the flow of human body`s cell current.
3. Mengatur aliran arus sel tubuh manusia. - 3. Regulating the flow of human body's cell current.
3. Mengatur aliran arus sel tubuh manusia. - Regulating the flow of human body`s cell current.
Mengatur aliran arus tubuh `s sel manusia. - Reverse current flow battery to solar array during night
Sebaliknya baterai aliran arus ke array surya pada malam - Working Voltage Direct current 6V, 4 pieces of alkaline battery
Tegangan Kerja Aliran arus langsung 6V, 4 buah baterai alkaline - Industrial Submersible Wastewater Pump Single Stage Large Flow Compact Structure
Pompa Air Pompa Submersible Industri Tahap Tunggal Struktur Aliran Arus Besar - Ground Water Water Treatment Systems High Flow RO System 0.75KW High Efficient
Sistem Pengolahan Air Tanah Air Sistem Aliran Arus Tinggi 0.75KW Efisien Tinggi - Measures AC current flow to electric motors, lighting, air condition equipment, etc
Mengukur aliran arus AC ke motor listrik, penerangan, peralatan kondisi udara, dll - Measures AC current flow to electric motors, lighting, air conditioning equipment, etc.
Mengukur aliran arus AC ke motor listrik, penerangan, peralatan pendingin udara, dll.
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