almonium karbonit untuk orangpingsan bahasa Inggris
- untuk: behoof; for; for it to be; in order to be; left
- untuk: behoof; for; for it to be; in order to be; left for; to be; to; towards; towards, toward; for what purpose; in order to; toward; so that; benefactive; at; and; a; intention; irr
- (diharapkan) untuk: be to be
- (untuk) sementara: pro tem
- [untuk] selamanya: for ever; eternally; for evermore; for ever and ever; until hell freezes over; ake; for ever more
- adalah untuk: be for; be for it to be; be subject to be; it is for; will be to; would be to
- alasan untuk: raison d'atre
- bekerja untuk: work for; worked for; working for
- benar untuk: true for
- berbakat untuk: cutting out for
- berguna untuk: conduce to; conduced to; conducing to; for behoof of
- berhenti untuk: stop for; stopped for; stopping for
- berkeberatan untuk: refuse to
- berkecenderungan untuk: incline toward something; lean towards; leaned towards; leaning towards; tended both to
- berkewajiban untuk: obliged to