Masuk Daftar

ambang batas orisinalitas bahasa Inggris

  • ambang:    sill; threshold; ledge; see; float; doorway;
  • batas:    border; bound; boundary; bounds; limit; -bound;
  • ambang batas parlemen:    electoral threshold
  • ambang:    sill; threshold; ledge; see; float; doorway; verge; windowsill; doorstep
  • batas:    border; bound; boundary; bounds; limit; -bound; borderline; confines; crease; frontier; the end; boundaries; margin; upper bound; mete; fringe; confine; terminal point; extent; edge; limits; perimet
  • batas-batas:    the bounds of
  • ambang bawah:    tail mitre sill
  • ambang belahan:    fission threshold
  • ambang dengar:    auditory threshold
  • ambang deteksi:    defection threshold
  • ambang keaslian:    threshold of originality
  • ambang keterdengaran:    audibility threshold
  • ambang ledakan:    flammability limit
  • ambang pintu:    door step; lintel; threshold; doorway; door; room access; doorstep; doorsill
  • ambang suara:    threshold of hearing