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amputasi bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "amputasi"
  • Yeah, well we weren't exactly anticipating a God damned amputation.
    Yeah, kita belum sepenuhnya menghindari amputasi.
  • There is always such a reaction after an amputation.
    Selalu ada reaksi seperti setelah amputasi.
  • If it were a gangrenous limb, we could amputate.
    Jika ada bagian yang gangren, kita bisa amputasi.
  • If the north pole had gunshot wounds and
    Andai di kutub utara punya luka tembak dan amputasi
  • Think the best that we could do is a BKA.
    Kurasa langkah terbaik adalah amputasi.
  • Amputate his right arm just below the elbow.
    Amputasi lengan kanannya tepat dibawah sikunya.
  • We're going to need to do a BTK amputation.
    Kita harus melakukan amputasi BTK.
  • Latimer's left arm had to be amputated.
    Alhasil jari dari Borden harus di amputasi.
  • You know, with doctors who operate instead of amputate?
    kau tau, dokter lebih suka amputasi sekaligus daripada di operasi?
  • Often the only recourse for a serious injury was amputation.
    Seringkali satu-satunya jalan keluar untuk luka serius adalah amputasi.
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