anak semang bahasa Inggris
- anak: brat; child; offspring; step; baby; junior; kid;
- anak: brat; child; offspring; step; baby; junior; kid; progeny; young; ego’s offspring; greenhorn; descendant; lass; fella; tike; guardienne; younker; nipper; pup; stopple; mawther; any child; nephew or n
- anak anak: children
- anak-anak: children; little ones; young ones; tyke; kid; offspring; small; youngster; minor; tiddler; nestling; fry; immature; tiny; tike; dolly; shaver; progeny; issue; child; doll; nipper; small fry
- anak kucing (sebutan anak-anak): pussy
- (majelis) pengadilan anak-anak: children's court; juvenile court
- ahli penyakit anak-anak: pediatrician; pediatrist
- anak anak-an: doll
- anak nakal/anak setan: barghest; gnome; fairy; elf
- anak-anak allah: sons of god
- anak-anak cacat: handicapped children
- anak-anak dilahirkan: children are produced
- anak-anak eilaboun: the sons of eilaboun
- anak-anak gebelawi: children of gebelawi
- anak-anak goebbels: goebbels children
- Mutahar was not married during his life, but has 8 adopted children (6 men and 2 girls).
H. Mutahar tidak menikah, namun mempunyai 8 anak semang (6 laki-laki dan 2 perempuan).