anatomi anjing bahasa Inggris
- anatomi: anatomy; general anatomy; anatomical; shape;
- anjing: bet across the board; betted across the board;
- anatomi: anatomy; general anatomy; anatomical; shape; build; body; frame; form; anatomic; physique; material body; soma; chassis; flesh; bod; human body; physical body; figure
- ahli anatomi: anatomists; anatomist
- anatomi artropoda: arthropod anatomy
- anatomi burung: bird anatomy
- anatomi carnivora: carnivora anatomy
- anatomi gigi: tooth anatomy
- anatomi haiwan: animal anatomy
- anatomi hewan: animal anatomy
- anatomi ikan: fish anatomy
- anatomi kasar: gross anatomy
- anatomi kucing: cat anatomy
- anatomi kuda: horse anatomy
- anatomi mamalia: mammal anatomy
- The basis of a professional approach to the choice of food breeders is knowledge of the physiology of the digestive system and understanding of the anatomy of dogs. In this regard, the most important is the combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Dasar pendekatan profesional untuk pilihan peternak makanan adalah pengetahuan tentang fisiologi sistem pencernaan dan pemahaman tentang anatomi anjing. Dalam hal ini, yang paling penting ialah gabungan protein, lemak dan karbohidrat.