anggaran departemen pemeliharaan bahasa Inggris
- anggaran: budget; estimate; estimation; variabel;
- departemen: departement; department; departments; section;
- departemen pemeliharaan: department for maintenance of; maintenance
- pemeliharaan: breeding; conservation; cultivation; maintenance;
- departemen pemeliharaan: department for maintenance of; maintenance department
- pemeliharaan: breeding; conservation; cultivation; maintenance; preservation; the care of; upkeep; care; culture; custody; nurture; guardianship; tutelage; bringing up; charge; sustentation; fostering; protection
- anggaran: budget; estimate; estimation; variabel; appreciation; assessment; perceptiveness; grasp; guessing; idea; dead reckoning; judgment; approximate; approximation; taste; guess; appraisal; hold; admirati
- biaya pemeliharaan: maintenance cost
- kategori pemeliharaan: monthly clean-up category
- kawasan pemeliharaan: conservation
- kontrak pemeliharaan: maintenance agreement
- ongkos pemeliharaan: cost of upkeep
- pemeliharaan anggur: viticulture
- pemeliharaan anjing: kennel
- pemeliharaan baik: providence