anggota dewan gereja bahasa Inggris
- anggota: limb; limb of; limbs of; member; members of a
- anggota dewan: councillor; councilor; city councillor
- dewan: board of; chamber; council; hall; legislative
- gereja: church; kirk; church buildings; church
- anggota gereja: churchman
- anggota jemaah gereja: parishioner; churchgoer
- calon/anggota gereja: confirmand
- pendeta/anggota gereja: clergyman; priest
- dewan gereja-gereja asia: christian conference of asia
- dewan gereja-gereja sedunia: world council of churches
- anggota aliansi gereja-gereja reformasi se-dunia: members of the world alliance of reformed churches
- anggota dewan federal swiss: members of the federal council (switzerland)
- anggota dewan kota: city fathers
- anggota dewan kotapraja: alderman; aedile