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arsip film yugoslavia bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "arsip film yugoslavia"
  • arsip:    archive; records; archives; benuski|archive;
  • film:    exposure; film; flick; motion picture; movie;
  • film yugoslavia:    yugoslav films
  • yugoslavia:    yogoslavia; yugoslav; serbia and montenegro;
  • arsip film nasional india:    national film archive of india
  • arsip:    archive; records; archives; benuski|archive; dossier; file
  • film hitam putih yugoslavia:    yugoslav black-and-white films
  • yugoslavia:    yogoslavia; yugoslav; serbia and montenegro; jugoslavija; macedonia; jugoslav; union of serbia and montenegro; yugoslavian; slovenia; yugoslavia; bosnia and herzegovina; jugoslavian; federal republi
  • ahli arsip:    archivist
  • arsip bersejarah:    archives; file
  • arsip daring:    online archives
  • arsip komputer:    computer archives
  • arsip kredit:    credit file
  • arsip web:    web archiving initiatives
  • juru arsip:    file clerk; filer; filing clerk; filing cabinet; archivist; file
  • The institution also operates the Museum of Yugoslav Film Archive, with movie theatre and exhibition hall.
    Institusi ini juga mengelola Museum Arsip Film Yugoslavia lengkap dengan teater film dan balai pamerannya.
  • Fourteen years later he returned to Belgrade where he worked with his stepfather at the Yugoslav Film Archive.
    14 tahun kemudian, ia kembali ke Belgrade dimana ia berkarya dengan ayah tirinya di arsip film Yugoslavia.
  • The Yugoslav Film Archive also exhibits original Charlie Chaplin's stick and one of the first movies by Auguste and Louis Lumière.
    Arsip Film Yugoslavia juga memamerkan tongkat asli Charlie Chaplin dan salah satu film pertama karya Auguste dan Louis Lumière.
  • With around 95,000 copies of national and international films, the Yugoslav Film Archive is the largest in the region and among the 10 largest archives in the world.
    Dengan lebih dari 95.000 salinan film nasional dan internasional, Arsip Film Yugoslavia adalah salah satu dari sepuluh arsip film terbesar di dunia.
  • The Yugoslav Film Archive was a founding member of the International Federation of Film Archives and was the national film library of the former Yugoslavia, founded in 1949 in Belgrade.
    Arsip Film Yugoslavia adalah anggota pendiri dari Federasi Arsip Film Internasional dan merupakan perpustakaan film nasional di bekas Yugoslavia, yang didirikan pada 1949 di Belgrade.