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banyak ajaran bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "banyak ajaran"
  • banyak:    a great deal of; a lot; a lot of; a multitude of;
  • ajaran:    learned sayings; precept; tenet; doctrine;
  • ajaran:    learned sayings; precept; tenet; doctrine; teaching; creed; dogma; lesson; principle; educational activity; didactics; philosophical system; upbringing; example; education; instruction; philosophy;
  • ajaran (agama:    doctrine
  • ajaran confucius:    confusianism
  • ajaran samin:    saminism movement
  • ajaran sesat:    heresy; cults
  • ajaran yesus:    doctrines and teachings of jesus
  • menanamkan ajaran:    engraft; engrafted
  • banyak:    a great deal of; a lot; a lot of; a multitude of; a pack of; abound; abundance; abundant; bags of; great deal; many; much; nose a few; numerous; plentiful; plenty; so many of; so much; substantial;
  • banyak-banyak:    handsomely; liberally
  • ajaran dan perjanjian:    doctrine and covenants
  • ajaran sosial katolik:    catholic social teaching
  • ajaran yang benar:    the true word
  • bagian tahun ajaran:    term
  • In many Gnostic systems, God is known as the Monad, the One.
    Di dalam banyak ajaran Gnostik, Allah dikenal sebagai Monad, yang Tunggal.
  • But, certainly, we find many teachings that we would consider barbaric by today's standards.
    Tapi, tentu, kita menemukan banyak ajaran yang kita akan mempertimbangkan barbar menurut standar sekarang.
  • Christian and Jewish literature as the legend of Barlaam and Josaphat, still retaining many
    Yahudi sebagai legenda Barlaam dan Josaphat, yang masih mempertahankan banyak ajaran Buddha. Contoh
  • [We need to try to do the same. The more teachings we have heard, the more we
    [Kita perlu melakukan hal yang sama. Semakin banyak ajaran yang kita dengar,
  • Have said, to the best of my ability, and in the future, please give me more teachings."
    aku mampu, dan di hari depan, berikanlah aku lebih banyak ajaran lagi.”
  • Lifetime as well. The Berzin Archives contains many of the teachings of my predecessor that Alex
    Berzin memuat banyak ajaran pendahulu saya yang telah diterjemahkan oleh Alex, termasuk juga ajaran
  • More teachings in that negative state of mind because we are not receptive. On the other hand, if
    mencoba mendapat lebih banyak ajaran dalam tataran cita negatif seperti itu karena kita tak membuka
  • But all the preaching in the world could never equal even a small miracle in consolidating the faith and hope of these people.
    Banyak ajaran di dunia tapi tak bisa menyamai keajaiban sedikitpun dalam memperkuat iman dan harapan semua orang.
  • This is considered important even today, as the existence of a soul is the basis for much Church teachings on the human body, in areas such as abortion.
    Hal ini dipandang penting hingga sekarang, karena keberadaan jiwa merupakan dasar bagi banyak ajaran Gereja seputar tubuh manusia, contohnya dalam bidang-bidang seperti aborsi.
  • According to the commentary on Lotus Sutra, this heavenly king is extremely knowledgeable as his perpetual protection of the Buddhas has enabled him to receive many teachings.
    Menurut komentar pada Sutra Teratai, raja surgawi ini memiliki pengetahuan yang teramat luas karena dirinya terus-menerus menjaga sang Buddha sehingga membuatnya mendengar banyak ajaran.
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