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barbados bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "barbados"
  • Barbados for ten days, just the three of us.
    Barbados selama sepuluh hari, hanya kami bertiga.
  • We just got back from Barbados last week.
    Kami baru saja pulang dari Barbados minggu lalu.
  • The first competition was contested in 1989 in Barbados.
    Kompetisi pertama diadakan tahun 1989 di Barbados.
  • Grapefruit, originally named the "forbidden fruit" of Barbados.
    Limau gedang, aslinya disebut "buah terlarang" dari Barbados.
  • Worse than when they lost our luggage in Barbados?
    Lebih buruk dari waktu kita kehilangan bagasi di Barbados?
  • An old shipwreck that happened off the coast of Barbados.
    Kapal karam tua yang terjadi di pesisir Barbados.
  • It was filmed on location in Guernsey, Barbados, and Senegal.
    Film tersebut difilmkan di Guernsey, Barbados, dan Senegal.
  • The following is the Barbadian Table of Precedence.
    Berikut merupakan daftar kepala pemerintahan Barbados..
  • Panama currently compete in the Americas Zone of Group III.
    Sekarang, Barbados berkompetisi di Zona Amerika Grup III.
  • 11 trips in the last seven years. Barbados and Curaçao.
    11 perjalanan dalam 7 tahun terakhir barbados dan curaçao.
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