barisan (formasi tentera) bahasa Inggris
- barisan: array; rank; ranks; row; sequence; column; file;
- tentera): chaplain
- pemerintahan (formasi tentera): command (military formation)
- barisan belakang (tentera): rear (military)
- barisan tentera merah dalam perang dunia ii: fronts of the red army in world war ii
- formasi: formation; echelons
- peristiwa barisan tentera darat rakyat yugoslavia di sarajevo 1992: 1992 yugoslav people's army column incident in sarajevo
- barisan: array; rank; ranks; row; sequence; column; file; front; waiting line; product line; mountain range; single file; align; train; mountain chain; line of business; caravan; cable; lay out; indian file;
- evaluasi formasi: formation evaluation
- formasi cloverly: cloverly formation
- formasi dainichi: dainichi formation
- formasi falangs: phalanx
- formasi geologi: geological formation
- formasi lameta: lameta formation
- formasi shungura: shungura formation