berkekurangan dalam hati bahasa Inggris
- berkekurangan: straitened; under saving
- dalam: bladder; came in; deep; in; inside; on; profound;
- dalam hati: at heart; by scowl of brow; in heart; in the
- hati: heart; liver; the heart of; centre; mind; sum;
- dalam hati: at heart; by scowl of brow; in heart; in the heart; in thought; inwardly; internally; interiorly
- dalam hati kecil: in one's heart of hearts
- dalam hati mereka: in their hearts
- marah dalam hati: anger
- menggores dalam hati -: strike fire into heart
- meresap ke dalam hati: sank into the mind; sink into the mind; sinking into the mind; sunk into the mind
- berkekurangan segalanya: lack everything
- dengan berkekurangan: inadequately; insufficiently; pathetically; piteously
- sangat berkekurangan: there is much to seek
- tidak berkekurangan: lacking in nothing
- dalam sikap tidak tulus hati: tongue in check