bertaat setia bahasa Inggris
- setia: faithful; fidel; loyal; true-blue; adhere;
- setia: faithful; fidel; loyal; true-blue; adhere; constant; devoted; stick by; stick to; stick to, stick with; stick together; true; steadfast; buddy; commit; consecrate; stalwart; dedicate; truehearted; f
- dengan setia: faithfully; fidelly; loyally; staunchly
- pengikut setia: devotee
- sangat setia: devoted
- setia janji: as good as one's word
- setia kawan: a friend at court; sympathy
- setia kepada: stick by; stick with; sticking with; stuck by; stuck with
- taat setia: homage
- tak setia: belie; unfaithful
- tidak setia: disloyal; faithless; infidel; recreant; unfaithful; false
- askar timbalan setia: royal johor military force
- daftar program penumpang setia: list of frequent flyer programs
- darjah setia negara brunei: order of setia negara brunei
- dengan tidak setia: disloyally; faithlessly; unfaithfully; treacherously; traitorously; proditoriously; traitorly