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botol air panas bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "botol air panas"
  • Where shall I put the hot-water bottle?
    Di mana saya menempatkan botol air panas?
  • The sound of Squidward's footsteps is produced by rubbing hot water bottles.
    Suara kaki Squidward dihasilkan dari gesekan botol air panas.
  • The only companion that had ever warmed Max's bed was his hot water bottle.
    Satu-satunya pendamping yang pernah menghangatkan ranjang Max... adalah botol air panas.
  • Simple home style Taobao hot water bottle main map through train template
    Peta rumah sederhana gaya sederhana botol air panas Taobao melalui template kereta
  • She was taken to the prison hospital where she was warmed by hot water bottles.
    Emily dilarikan ke rumah sakit penjara dan perawat menghangatkan tubuhnya dengan botol air panas.
  • Electric Kettle Electric Kettle Detail page Hot Water Bottle Details Page Appliance Details Page Ket
    Ketel Listrik Ketel Listrik Detail halaman Botol Air Panas Detail Halaman Detail Alat Halaman Ket
  • GREAT FOR PAIN RELIEF HOT COLD THERAPY Hot water bottle can be used alone as a remedy for aches pains and sports injuries In addition to the traditional hot therapy it can also double up as a cold compress for kids with fever or to reduce swelling...
    GREAT FOR PAIN RELIEF, HOT & COLD THERAPY - Botol air panas dapat digunakan sendiri sebagai obat untuk sakit, nyeri dan cedera olahraga. Selain terapi panas tradisional, itu juga dapat berfungsi ganda sebagai kompres dingin untuk anak-anak...