hukuman kerja paksa bahasa Inggris
- hukuman: conviction; liberty punishment; penalty;
- kerja: labor; labour; work; work out; responsibilities;
- kerja paksa: forced labour; treadmill; servitude; salt mine
- paksa: ram; insist; shove; constraint; impatient; force;
- kerja paksa orang asing di uni soviet: foreign forced labor in the soviet union
- kerja paksa warga jerman di uni soviet: forced labor of germans in the soviet union
- paksa: ram; insist; shove; constraint; impatient; force; argue; press; aggressive; crowd; forced; push; drive; influence; compel; coerce; squeeze; tense; pressure; determined; make do; hale; cause; violenc
- kerja paksa di bawah pemerintahan jerman selama perang dunia ii: forced labour under german rule during world war ii
- hukuman: conviction; liberty punishment; penalty; punishment; sanction; sentence; punishments; chastisement; disciplinary; face the music; penal; penance; retribution; torture; trouncing; adjudication; thras
- alunan paksa: forced oscilation
- ayunan paksa: forced oscillation
- gerak-paksa: constrained movement
- getaran paksa: forced vibration
- ilian paksa: forced convection
- kawin paksa: arranged marriage
- Two weeks later she threw stones at Runciman at a political meeting in Radcliffe, Greater Manchester; she was arrested and sentenced to a week's hard labour.
Dua minggu kemudian, Emily melempar batu kepada Walter dalam sebuah pertemuan politik di Radcliffe, Manchester Raya, sehingga dia ditangkap kembali dan dijatuhi hukuman kerja paksa selama seminggu. - Following Thomas Williams's sentence of one year's hard labor for publishing The Age of Reason in 1797, no editions were sold openly in Britain until 1818 when Richard Carlile included it in an edition of Paine's complete works.
Setelah Thomas Williams dijatuhi hukuman kerja paksa selama satu tahun karena menerbitkan The Age of Reason pada tahun 1797, tidak ada edisi pamflet yang dijual secara terbuka di Britania hingga tahun 1818, ketika Richard Carlile memasukkannya dalam edisi karya lengkap Paine.