hukuman-hukuman pokok bahasa Inggris
- pokok: arbor; fundamental; sub.; subject; subject
- hukuman: conviction; liberty punishment; penalty; punishment; sanction; sentence; punishments; chastisement; disciplinary; face the music; penal; penance; retribution; torture; trouncing; adjudication; thras
- ancaman hukuman: threat of punishment
- aturan hukuman: penal provision
- bebas hukuman: get away with
- bersifat hukuman: convictive
- daftar hukuman: punishment book
- dikenakan hukuman: punisable
- ekspedisi hukuman: punitive expedition
- hukuman (psikologi): punishment (psychology)
- hukuman badan: corporal punishment
- hukuman berat: the devil to pay; penal
- hukuman bersyarat: conditional punishment; conditional sentence
- hukuman fisik: corporal punishment
- hukuman ganda: non bis in idem