kelahiran 1569 bahasa Inggris
- kelahiran: birth; cockney; delivery; the nativity; native;
- kematian 1569: 1569 deaths
- kerajaan poland (1385–1569): kingdom of poland (1385–1569)
- kerajaan polandia (1385–1569): kingdom of poland (1385–1569)
- pertempuran aceh (1569): battle of aceh (1569)
- sejarah lituania (1219-1569): history of lithuania (1219–1569)
- sejarah polandia (1385–1569): history of poland during the jagiellonian dynasty
- louis dari condé (1530–1569): louis, prince of condé (1530–1569)
- resolusi 1569 dewan keamanan perserikatan bangsa-bangsa: united nations security council resolution 1569
- kelahiran: birth; cockney; delivery; the nativity; native; childbearing; accouchement; nativity; birthing; giving birth; aborigine; vaginal birth; childbirth; nascence; indigen; product; aboriginal; indigene;
- akta kelahiran: birth certificate
- angka kelahiran: birth rate; birthrate; fertility rate; fertility; natality
- berhubungan kelahiran: natal
- gereja kelahiran: church of the nativity
- hari kelahiran: celebration of birthday; birthday