Masuk Daftar

kemampuan lisan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kemampuan lisan"
  • kemampuan:    ability; capabilities; capability; competence;
  • lisan:    oral; verbal; spoken; verbally; viva voce; oral
  • lisan:    oral; verbal; spoken; verbally; viva voce; oral communication; nuncupative; oral exam; orally; speech; unwritten; buccal; spoken language; voice communication; oral examination; viva; language; spee
  • kemampuan:    ability; capabilities; capability; competence; competency; functionality; potentiality; solvability; skill; aptitude; capacity; head; power; sensibility; use; capacitance; ambit; range; orbit; compa
  • artikel lisan:    spoken articles
  • bahasa lisan:    spoken language; voice communication; speech; spoken communication; language; speech communication; oral communication
  • dengan lisan:    by mouth; by oral; by word of mouth; orally; viva voce
  • hujah lisan:    verbal reasoning
  • menyatakan lisan:    verbalized; verbalizing; prolative
  • optative (lisan):    optative
  • penjelasan lisan:    illustrated talks
  • sastera lisan:    oral literature
  • sastra lisan:    oral literature
  • secara lisan:    verbally; word of mouth; vocally
  • sejarah lisan:    oral history
  • To improve the spoken and written English and to develop the fluency and confidence
    Meningkatkan kemampuan lisan maupun tulisan dalam Bahasa Inggris, memupuk percaya diri dan meningkatkan kefasihan dalam berbahasa Inggris
  • Oral Exercises Intermediate and advanced level dialogue practice. Advanced level dialogue practice. Interview practice. Presentation and discussion practice.
    Kemampuan lisan Dialog level intermediate Dialog level advanced Tes lisan dan interview Presentasi dan diskusi.
  • This course helps ED users to develop oral and reading skills used in everyday communication in the world of work. ED users can practice with various media and writing practice formats as well as programs to interact verbally that simulate the daily work world.
    Course ini membantu pengguna ED untuk mengembangkan kemampuan lisan dan membaca yang digunakan dalam komunikasi sehari-hari di dunia kerja. Pengguna ED dapat berlatih dengan berbagai media dan format latihan menulis serta program untuk berinteraksi secara lisan yang mensimulasikan dunia kerja sehari-hari.