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kolese hansraj bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kolese hansraj"
  • Since its foundation in 1948, the college has produced notable alumni who are prominent leaders in their fields nationally and internationally.
    Sejak pembentukannya pada tahun 1948, Kolese Hansraj telah menghasilkan alumni ternama yang menjadi pemimpin berpengaruh dalam bidang-bidang mereka secara nasional dan internasional.
  • Kohli is a Master of Arts in Hindi from the University of Delhi and was a lecturer at Hansraj College and Deshbandhu College for over 37 years.
    Kohli mendapatkan gelar MA dalam bidang bahasa Hindi dari Universitas Delhi dan menjadi pengajar di Kolese Hansraj dan Kolese Deshbandhu selama lebih dari 37 tahun.
  • Khan enrolled at Hansraj College (1985–88) to earn his bachelor's degree in Economics, but spent much of his time at Delhi's Theatre Action Group (TAG), where he studied acting under the mentorship of theatre director Barry John.
    Khan masuk Kolese Hansraj (1985–88) untuk meraih gelar sarjana dalam bidang Ekonomi, namun lebih banyak menjalani waktunya di Theatre Action Group (TAG), Delhi, dimana ia belajar akting di bawah bimbingan pengarah teater Barry John.