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kue ku bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kue ku"
  • My cake just has to be different from hers!
    Kue ku harus berbeda dari kue-nya.
  • Where the fuck is my cake fork?
    Mana garpu kue ku?
  • Yes-haw! Now let's pass out the hats and bring out my cake.
    Sekarang ayo kita lekas memakai topinya dan bawa kue ku.
  • You ruined my cake
    kau merusak kue ku
  • There are two main components in red tortoise cakes, the skin and the filling.
    Ada dua komponen utama dalam pembuatan kue ku, kulit dan isinya.
  • As suggested by its name, red tortoise cakes are traditionally red in color and has a sticky chewy texture when eaten.
    Kue ku secara tradisional berwarna merah dan memiliki tekstur kenyal yang lengket saat dimakan.
  • However, eating red tortoise cakes in these countries is no longer restricted to special occasions for red tortoise cakes are also commercially available in many pastry shops and bakeries.
    Namun, kue ku di negara-negara ini tidak lagi terbatas pada acara-acara khusus karena kue ku juga tersedia secara komersial di banyak toko kue.
  • However, eating red tortoise cakes in these countries is no longer restricted to special occasions for red tortoise cakes are also commercially available in many pastry shops and bakeries.
    Namun, kue ku di negara-negara ini tidak lagi terbatas pada acara-acara khusus karena kue ku juga tersedia secara komersial di banyak toko kue.