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mae west bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "mae west"
  • Mae West, Santa's taking a day of rest.
    Mae West, Santa mengambil cuti (day of rest).
  • I was thinking more Mae West.
    Aku berpikir lebih ke Mae West.
  • In Hollywood, they call that a Mae West, 'cause Mae West had-
    Di Hollywood, mereka menyebutnya Mae West, karena Mae West punya-
  • In Hollywood, they call that a Mae West, 'cause Mae West had-
    Di Hollywood, mereka menyebutnya Mae West, karena Mae West punya-
  • Yeah, chili was Mae West.
    Yah, cabe itu Mae West.
  • Mae West, the best.
    Mae West, yang terbaik.
  • He said, if Mae West can be M-A-E, why can't Keshava be K-A-E?
    Dia berkata, jika Mae West adalah M-A-E, mengapa Keshava tidak bisa menjadi K-A-E?
  • I got to have Mae West sit on my face because I'm one horny motherfucker.
    Aku mau Mae West duduk di wajahku karena aku sedang terangsang.
  • This is Mae West, still alive at a zookeeper's home in New Orleans.
    Ini adalah Mae West, masih hidup di rumah seorang penjaga kebun binatang di New Orleans.
  • Monroe herself stated that she was influenced by West, learning "a few tricks from her – that impression of laughing at, or mocking, her own sexuality".
    Monroe menyatakan bahwa ia dipengaruhi oleh Mae West, mengatakan bahwa ia "mempelajari beberapa trik darinya – yang menekankan tawa, atau candaan, seksualitasnya sendiri".
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