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makanan manis bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "makanan manis"
  • makanan:    diet; eatables; edibles; food; meal; meals;
  • manis:    dulcet; luscious; mellifluous; nice; sweet;
  • manis:    dulcet; luscious; mellifluous; nice; sweet; adorable; charmingly; cherubic; cute; darling; gracious; sugary; attractive; seraphic; delicious; angelical; lovesome; sweetly; warm; just; blunt; soft; f
  • suka manis-manis:    a sweet tooth
  • makanan:    diet; eatables; edibles; food; meal; meals; nourishment; pabalum; refreshment; woof; foods; dietary; eatable; feed; goody; grub; nutriment; provisions; food for thought; provender; provide; sustenan
  • makanan):    consume
  • adas manis:    dill; anise
  • akar manis:    liquorice
  • anggur manis:    muscatel
  • beraroma manis:    sweet-smelling; perfumed; odorous; scented; sweet
  • bermanis-manis:    make up to; making up to
  • ceri manis:    prunus avium
  • dengan manis:    sweetly; adorably; graciously; mellifluously; tenderly
  • gelak manis:    express mirth; express joy; gag; jest; joke; jape; laugh
  • harum manis:    candy floss; cotton candy
  • Rasgulla is a popular sweet in the Indian subcontinent.
    Rasgulla adalah makanan manis populer di Asia Selatan.
  • So what was the poisoned sweet that 'Ranjha' ate?
    Jadi apa nama racun makanan manis yang 'Ranjha' makan?
  • I just want all of these sugary
    Aku hanya ingin semua makanan manis ini
  • She likes sweet food, especially lollipops, and strong men.
    Dia menyukai makanan manis, khususnya lollipop, dan cowo kuat.
  • Manny's a gentleman, but Manny's got appetites. Click!
    Dan Manny dapat makanan manis.
  • Well, if we see something sweet, we better grab it.
    Jika kita melihat makanan manis, Lebih baik segera di ambil.
  • She also dislikes sweet food.
    Dia juga sangat menyukai makanan manis.
  • Konditorei is the German word for a pâtisserie or confectionery shop.
    Konditorei adalah kata Jerman untuk toko pâtisserie atau makanan manis.
  • I don't like sweet things.
    Ibu tidak suka makanan manis.
  • I know how much you like a little something sweet while you work.
    Aku tahu kau sangat suka makanan manis saat bekerja.
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