masa depan palestina bahasa Inggris
- masa: a period of; era; period; stage; youth; life;
- masa depan: future; tomorrow; time to come; futurity;
- depan: face of; fore; advance; forward; front; head;
- palestina: palestine (region); palestine; nablus;
- masa depan: future; tomorrow; time to come; futurity; hereafter
- bagaimana masa depan anda: what is your future
- berfikir utk masa depan: far-sighted
- di masa depan: in future
- generasi masa depan: future generations
- ke masa depan: into the future
- kecenderungan di masa depan: future trends
- masa depan afektif: affective future
- masa depan bumi: future of earth
- masa depan cerah: bright future (iceland)
- masa depan kita: the road ahead (william gates jnr book)
- A month later, Samuel circulated a memorandum entitled The Future of Palestine to his Cabinet colleagues.
Sebulan kemudian, Samuel menyebarkan sebuah memorandum berjudul Masa Depan Palestina kepada para kolega Kabinetnya.