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memamerkan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "memamerkan"
  • memamerkan kekuatan pada:    show see what one is
  • suka memamerkan ilmu:    pedantical
  • memamah biak:    chew the cud; chewed the cud; chewing the cud; cud; ruminate
  • memamah:    chaw; chawed; chawing; crunch; crunched; crunching; champ; jaw; piece; ruminate; masticate; chew; nibble; chomp; munch; manducate; pick
  • memalut:    enclose; get across; overlay; extend; roll; embrace; wrap; compensate; enwrap; cut across; insure; handle; overcompensate; report; pass over; shroud; twine; deal; hide; treat; breed; wrap up; enfold
  • memampangkan:    explain; reach out; widen; prolong; blossom; extend; string out; broaden; go; disperse; draw out; explicate; fan out; dissipate; unfold; strain; offer; turn out; stretch; scatter; hold out; lead; ex
  • memalun:    comprehend; embrace; espouse; encompass; sweep up; adopt; squeeze; hug; cover; bosom
  • memampas:    compensate; recompense; even up; repair; make up; correct; right; remunerate; redress; even off; even out; indemnify; reimburse; counterbalance
  • memalukan seseorang:    put down
  • memampat:    squelch; gouge; bid; press out; shove; weightlift; pinch; wring; urge on; wedge; entreat; pressure; exhort; agitate; conjure; crush; rack; embrace; hale; adjure; twinge; weigh; mash; fight; stuff; f
  • J.J. Mooned the ARVN General at China Beach.
    J.J. memamerkan bokongnya pada Jenderal di Pantai Cina.
  • You and your kiss-ass chorus following you around going, "The Field's medal!"
    Kalian memamerkan medali Fields.
  • I'll even show my wiener on your website.
    Aku bahkan akan memamerkan "sosis"-ku di situs jejaringmu.
  • Government... is not a place of displaying power, Zaganos.
    Pemerintahan bukanlah tempat untuk memamerkan kekuasaan, Zaganos.
  • Not baring your ass isn't a creative strategy.
    Tidak memamerkan pantat Anda bukanlah strategi kreatif .
  • Hey... you get to show off your work finally!
    Hey... kamu bisa memamerkan karya kamu akhirnya!
  • You're still recovering, so take it easy.
    Anda tidak terlalu sakit hanya mencoba untuk memamerkan baik
  • No wonder they're pissed about displaying their ancestors.
    Tidak heran mereka marah tentang memamerkan leluhur mereka.
  • You're looking really hot in that short skirt, Meera.
    Kau merasa sexi dengan memamerkan kulitmu, Meera?
  • It features exhibits of Thai art and history.
    Museum ini memamerkan Seni Thai dan Sejarah Thailand.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5