Masuk Daftar

mengambil dengan paksa bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "mengambil dengan paksa"
  • mengambil:    dare; fetch; fetched; fetching; geting at; got
  • dengan:    by; by taking; given; given the; given this;
  • paksa:    ram; insist; shove; constraint; impatient; force;
  • dengan mengambil resiko apapun:    at the risk of anything else
  • mengambil dengan cepat:    whisk away; whisked away
  • paksa:    ram; insist; shove; constraint; impatient; force; argue; press; aggressive; crowd; forced; push; drive; influence; compel; coerce; squeeze; tense; pressure; determined; make do; hale; cause; violenc
  • mengambil:    dare; fetch; fetched; fetching; geting at; got at; pick up; picked up; picking; picking up; pinched off; take; taken; taking; took; adopt; assume; get; pick-up; pick out; confiscate; lease; remove;
  • alunan paksa:    forced oscilation
  • ayunan paksa:    forced oscillation
  • gerak-paksa:    constrained movement
  • getaran paksa:    forced vibration
  • ilian paksa:    forced convection
  • kawin paksa:    arranged marriage
  • kerja paksa:    forced labour; treadmill; servitude; salt mine
  • konveksi paksa:    forced convection
  • Shoaib tried to take it with force, but
    Shoaib berusaha mengambil dengan paksa, tetapi
  • "Listen, Erez, give me the MAG, or I'll take it by force!"
    "Dengar, Erez, beri aku MAGmu, atau aku akan mengambil dengan paksa!"