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olimpik bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "olimpik"
    Kamu tak cuba menyertai pasukan lawan pedang Olimpik British?
  • There's an Olympic-size swimming pool on the roof. Take the stairs over there.
    Di atas atap ada sebuah kolam ukuran Olimpik sebelah tangga sana.
  • Koba! Olympic gold medalist in wrestling, world Sambo champion, undefeated in his mixed martial arts career.
    Pemegang emas gusti di Olimpik, juara dunia, tidak terkalahkan dalam karier seni beladiri campuran.
  • He's clearly afraid to make a move, and you're too gorge for these romantic Special Olympics.
    Dia jelas takut untuk melakukan sesuatu, dan kau terlalu bernafsu dengan olimpik spesial romantis itu.
  • By that reasoning we should also play Bridge, hold up a chuppah and enter the Olympic bobsled competition.
    Berdasarkan alasan itu, kita juga harus bermain Bridge, menahan chuppah dan mengikuti kompetisi gobak sodor olimpik.
  • It was quiet after the 1988 Olympic Games, then this trouble suddenly comes up or came out of nowhere.
    Keadaan sudah senyap selepas Sukan Olimpik 1988, kemudian tiba-tiba saja masalah ini timbul entah dari mana.
  • Avoid transporting nearly 11.5 million gallons of water – enough to fill about 17 Olympic-sized swimming pools
    Menghindari pengangkutan hampir 11,5 juta galon air – cukup untuk mengisi sekitar 17 kolam renang ukuran Olimpik
  • The facilities are Jacuzzi, Gym, Olympic Sized Swimming Pool, Sauna, Barbeque Zone for BBQ Parties and much more.
    Fasilitasnya adalah Jacuzzi, Gym, Kolam Renang Olimpik, Sauna, Barbeque Zone untuk Pesta BBQ dan masih banyak lagi.
  • The red and black North Santander Department flag was exhibited for the first time in 1928, when the first National Olympics were held in Cali.
    Bendera Provinsi Santander Utara merah dan hitam dibuat pertama kali tahun 1928, ketika Olimpik Nasional diadakan di Kalli.
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